ARTS on Violence

Thursday, April 03, 2014, 7-9 p.m.

Subliminating Violence? When Philosophy Meets Literature. Western civilization has been shaped by its struggle against chaos, and one of its responses has been aesthetic in nature. Tragedies, poetry and novels often have violence at her heart, but have such works succeeded in sublimating it? Do they not reveal the ambivalence of violence, as both a destructive impetus to be condemned, yet also an impulse that breathes life into art? Participants include Ariana Patey (History), Piety and Gendered Violence in the Chronicles; Seamus O'Neill (Philosophy), Righteous Anger in Dante's Divine Comedy; Michelle Mahoney (Philosophy), Forms of Violence in the Kindly Ones; Joel Madore (Philosophy) Overcoming Violence: Netzsche or Freud?; Helen F. Patey (English) Sartre and Faulker on Oppression

Supported by the Fund for Scholarship in the Arts: An initiative of the President and the Provost and Vice-President (Academic)


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