Beyond Fear and Violence in Israel/Palestine

Wednesday, Feb. 04, 2015, 7-9 p.m.

Jeff Halper is an Israeli peace leader and Nobel Prize nominee. His talk will survey the various options for resolving the conflict: two states, one state (bi-national or democratic), or a regional confederation. The alternative is an Israeli-imposed apartheid or the permanent warehousing of the Palestinian population. Dr. Halper will also walk the audience through a house demolition. He will, as well, raise the issue of Israel’s exporting of the Occupation, using the Palestinian territory for developing and marketing high-tech weapons and tactics of control and pacification. Canada is a prime customer, with deep Israeli involvement in its prisons, border controls and the training of its police – all bringing Israel’s military occupation of Palestine “home” to Canadians. Finally, he will suggest new, effective directions for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and other campaigns. Co-sponsored by the United Church of Canada.





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